Thursday, August 21, 2008

new words

spillow: a speaker in the pillow
bango: a flavour that includes berries and mango

palindrome (noun)

Word :palindrome
part of speech: noun
other forms: none
definition: a word, pfrase, or sentence that reads the same backward or forward
sentence: my cousins name, Hannah, is a palindrome

onomatopoeia ( noun)

Word: onomaopoeia
part of speech: noun
other forms: onomatopoetic (adjective)
definition: the formation or use of a word that that imitates or resembles what it stands for
sentence: Sizzle! Sizzle! goes the pizza as it's being cooked

malapropism (noun)

word: malapropsim
part of speech : noun
other forms of the word: none
defintion: The use of a word sounding somewhat like the one intended but humorously wrong in the context

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

colloquial (adjective)

Word: colloquial
Part of speech: adjective
Other forms of word: -colloquially (adverb)
-colloquialism (noun)
Definition of word: used in or suitable to spoken language or to writing that imitates speech; conversational
Sentence example: The texan had trouble understanding what people were saying because when people spoke, they were using such colloqiual terms in their speech.
Picture example:

coinage (noun)

Word: coinage
Part of speech:noun
Other forms of word: none
Definition of word: the right or process of making coins; a new word (
Sentence example: Britan now uses decimal coinage.
Picture example:

affix( verb)

Word: affix
Part of speech: verb
Other forms of word: affixed
Definition of word: to fasten, attach, or join (
Sentence example: I affixed the stamps to the letters before I sent them out.
Picture example: